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ACTION NEEDED: Stand Against SVP Gary Snavely's Release in Julian
Petition to Oppose the Placement of SVP Gary Snavely in Julian
Unfortunately, the Second District is once again being targeted with the placement of another Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) - this time in the unincorporated community of Julian. On
Friday, March 7, 2025
, the Honorable Judge Jeffrey F. Fraser will make a decision on the proposed placement of
SVP Gary Snavely
in Julian.
I wrote a letter to Judge Fraser strongly advocating against this placement.
The Court has an opportunity to stop the dumping of SVPs in our district - where now
78% of ALL
the region's SVPs are already located. Notably,
three Supervisorial Districts have zero SVP placements.
Click Here to Read My Letter to Judge Fraser.
In 1987, SVP Snavely was convicted of sexually molesting two young girls and sentenced three years in state prison. He was later convicted again in 1996 for failing to register as a sex offender. In 1998, he was civilly committed to Coalinga State Hospital, and was denied release in 2007 and 2014 due to repeated violations. If you
yet another SVP placement in the County's Second District, please fill out this petition so that I can share your concerns with Judge Fraser.
I oppose the placement of SVP Gary Snavely in the community of Julian.
Any additional comments you'd like me to share with the judge presiding over the placement of this SVP? (Optional)
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